Oriental fountain grass is an unusually low-growing and compact fountain
grass. The gracefully cascading clump of dense foliage are only about 1 ft
tall. It grows in a mound that grows outward slowly via short underground
rhizomes. Leaf-blades are up to 60 cm long and 1.5 cm wide, flat or convolute,
hairless, scaberulous or velvet-hairy. Flower panicles are linear, 8-30 cm long,
often interrupted. The inflorescence, standing a foot or two above the
arching mound of leaves, consists of a plume of pearly white or silvery
pink fluff. Spikelets are lanceshaped, 4.5-6.5 mm long; lower glume a quarter
the length of the spikelet and blunt, to one-third or two-fifths as
long and pointed, rarely as much as half as long and tapering, 1-nerved,
occasionally nerveless. Oriental fountain grass is
found in N Africa to Caucasus and Indian Subcontinent, including the
Himalayas. Flowering: April-October.